Click to view event programIf you want to know anything about the upcoming National Team Championships, chances are, it's in the event program. So we've now posted the National Championships program for you to use as you're planning your SCTP or SPP team's trip to Sparta.View the National Team Championships Program The program is presented in a handy flipbook format so you can click right through, beginning to end, without downloading -- unless you want to. You can also click on any ad to go straight to the sponsor's website.
With more than two weeks to go in registration for the upcoming National Team Championships in Sparta, SCTP and SPP have already blasted through 2013's record-setting participation numbers and are expecting even more registrations in the final weeks. About 150 teams have signed up so far, accounting for almost 3000 total registrations. Increases are already seen in skeet, sporting clays, and pistol shooting. With participation in a state championship as one of the requirements for SCTP Nationals registration, and several state championships being held this week and next, a flurry of new registrations is expected in the coming two weeks. SSSF will award up to $557,000 in endowment funds to competing teams at the National Team Championships, representing $450,000 to SCTP teams and $107,000 to SPP teams. In addition, SCTP has allocated another $156,000 for SCTP’s National Championships for international events July 25-29 in Colorado Springs, CO. Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation will donate the endowment funds to team accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. Coaches, athletes, and parents can learn more details about Nationals plans, including registration info, event schedules, FAQs, and more on our National Championships page.
Sydney Carson of SCTP's Kosko Dust Devils proved why she's known as Syd Vicious among her friends when she won the Women's Skeet Gold Medal at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) Junior World Cup in Syhl, Germany recently. Sydney was among four medalists and six individual finalists for the USA Shooting Team. While the world stage podium may be somewhat new to Sydney, Gold Medals are nothing new for her. In 2013, Sydney was the SCTP Women's International Skeet Champion. Sydney ranked fourth during the 75-shot qualifier, but that all changed in the semifinals and finals where she outshot all six finalists. In her Gold Medal finals match-up, she defeated Russia’s Victoria Ostapets by a one-target margin, 13-12. Along with her teammates Dania Vizzi (Odessa, Florida) and Hannah Houston (Columbia, Tennessee), Sydney was also part of the Gold Medal-winning team for Women’s Skeet. Sydney just completed her junior year at John Glenn High School in North Liberty, Indiana. She is a member of the Kosko Dust Devils youth shotgun team affiliated with the Kosko Conservation Club in Warsaw. The club is part of the Scholastic Clay Target Program.Winning U.S. Team Members of the Gold-Medal winning Women's Skeet team and the Bronze-Medal winning Women's Trap team at the 2014 ISSF Junior World Cup in Suhl, Germany. Photo courtesy of USA Shooting and Gary Anderson.
Congratulations to Kirsten Dale, winner of last week's Range Time quiz drawing! Kirsten answered our question correctly and was drawn as the winner of Wraparound Shooting Glasses from the SSSF Store. Last week's question and possible answers:Which of the following is NOT a part of the modern plastic shotgun shell?
Plastic shell case
Brass head
The correct answer, of course, is Bullet. All the other items are parts of the modern plastic shotgun shell. Watch next week's Range Time newsletter for another quiz question and your chance to win a prize.
Twenty-eight SCTP teams in Arizona, representing over 1,000 athletes, will benefit from a recent $340,000 donation to their endowment accounts with the MidwayUSA Foundation. The Phoenix-based conservation organization Wildlife for Tomorrow made the donation. “The mission of the MidwayUSA Foundation is closely aligned with that of Wildlife for Tomorrow in Arizona," said Steve Hirsch, President of Wildlife for Tomorrow. "Youth education concerning wildlife conservation and outdoor pursuits is central to our activities, and we are proud to work with the MidwayUSA Foundation to provide for endowment accounts to support youth shooting sports through Arizona’s very successful Scholastic Clay Target Program."
Dennis Fogle, Arizona Game and Fish’s Shooting Sports Coordinator, leads the state’s SCTP program and said, “We would like to personally thank Wildlife for Tomorrow for their generous donation. These endowment accounts are key to a sustainable future for youth shooting sports in Arizona and the country. Without their support, the Arizona SCTP would not be the same, and we are grateful.” Active teams, like the 28 Arizona teams that will receive this donation, are eligible to draw a grant each year to assist with team expenses, such as ammunition, range fees, travel, uniforms, and more.
Steve Hirsch added, “These programs not only foster appreciation for outdoor pursuits, they establish a tradition of involvement in wildlife conservation activities that will far outlast these youth shooters’ participation on their teams. The endowments established by the MidwayUSA Foundation have greatly assisted Wildlife for Tomorrow to fulfill our mission of furthering the North American model of wildlife conservation in Arizona.”
To learn more about Wildlife for Tomorrow, visit
The Scholastic Clay Target Program joins with friends and family of Jennifer Hudson of Virginia in mourning her passing on June 21, 2014. Jennifer was an SCTP head coach and Coordinator of the Freeland 4-H Shooting Club for nine years. Jennifer was proud of all of the kids that were part of the 4-H shooting team and was honored to share her love and knowledge of shooting with them. Jennifer also served as Vice President of Arrowhead Gun Club in Chase City, Va. Jennifer was the postmaster in Baskerville, VA, and worked for the United States Postal System for 31 years. During this time, she became a beacon of support in the Baskerville community, helping countless neighbors and friends in any way that she could. Jennifer's strong desire to help others will always be remembered. Click here for her full obituary and information on memorial contributions.
SCTP National Team ChampionshipsClick to view event program SPP Junior/Senior National ChampionshipsJuly 14-19, 2014World Shooting & Recreational Complex
Sparta, IL Map/DirectionsEvent Scores & ResultsSCTP Event Schedule and General InformationSPP Event Schedule and General InformationSCTP RegistrationLog in to your team account on this website. Go to the Calendar tab. Scroll to July 14 and click on the Nationals shoot. Click on "Register here." Registration closes July 11, 2014. Please note that shooters must have participated in their respective state championship to participate in the National Championship.
SPP Registration - Contact Tammy Mowry, or 724-822-7390. SCTP National Championships for International Disciplines July 25-29, 2014Olympic Training Center
Colorado Springs, CO
This year’s Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) Junior/Senior National Championships, July 14-19, promise to be the best yet, including over $15,000 in random draw prizes for SPP competitors. And more to come! Each SPP competitor will receive a shooter's bag worth over $60 with goodies from our sponsors, including the 2014 Nationals t-shirts. As you can see, the shooter's bag alone is worth more than the match fee of $25! We mentioned prizes – just some of the random draw prizes will be:
Para USA Elite Pro Pistol
Beretta Neos Pistol
Mossberg 715T - .22LR Rifle
Americase Pistol Cases
Plus many more great prizes!
As with last year, there will be free loaner guns available. A limited amount of 9mm and .22LR ammo will also be available for sale. Rifle Demo Stage - Each SPP athlete registered will receive one (1) ticket which is good for three (3) 10-round magazines to shoot a rifle demo stage. The fastest time will win a free Ruger 10/22 rifle. Additional tickets can be purchased for $5 each. Each entry will be eligible to win one of three (3) additional Ruger 10/22 rifles . . . the more you play, the more chances you have to win!! Limit one free gun per person. Special Shooting Clinic – Para USA Professional Shooter, Travis Tomasie, will be hosting two (2) clinics on Wednesday, July 16 on the Pistol Berm. Mark your calendar for this special event! If you haven’t registered or you need registration info, please contact SPP Program Manager, Tammy Mowry, or 724-822-7390.
Governor Michael R. Pence of Indiana welcomed the Scholastic Pistol Program to its first Indiana State Championship with a proclamation, declaring shooting sports as “enriching the lives of young Hoosiers by instilling discipline and responsibility while also promoting liberty.” Eight squads participated in the state’s inaugural SPP State Championship on June 15. Hoosier Daddy’s SPP team hosted the match at the Hoosier Hills Rifle and Pistol Club in Columbus, IN. A total of $9,800 in endowment funds were awarded to the participating teams. In the Junior Rimfire Division, the Bluegrass Sportsman League squad took 1st place honors, with Hoosier Daddy’s Squad 2 taking 2nd and Smokin’ Dragons Squad 1 coming in 3rd. Smokin’ Dragons Squad 2 took Gold in the Junior Centerfire Division with Hoosier Daddy’s Squad 1 taking Silver. In the Senior Centerfire Division, the Target Busters won the Gold medal, and Hoosier Daddy’s Squad 3 took 1st in Senior Rimfire. “The state of Indiana recognizes the sport of shooting for enriching the lives of young Hoosiers by instilling discipline and responsibility while also promoting liberty,” the governor stated. “Indiana is bettered by the talents of its young people, and the state is proud to recognize the dedication of each and every participant in attendance this weekend.” His statement continued, “I would like to thank the members of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, MidwayUSA Foundation, and the Indiana Youth Shooting Sports Foundation for hosting this event and taking time to promote the sport of shooting to young people. Thank you to the many instructors, families, and volunteers who provide training and encouragement to the participants.” “We are really excited that SPP is growing in Indiana,” said Jack Parker, Hoosier Daddy’s SPP assistant coach. “As a professional educator, I see the huge value of programs such as SPP as it requires athletes to not only be good citizens and work hard to succeed, but it also teaches safety and respect at a level few other programs can match.” Serving as Match Directors were Jack Parker and Nick Mason, and they were assisted by Safety Officers Mike Miller and Tom Brummett. On hand to assist were SPP National Director Scott Moore, SPP Program Manager Tammy Mowry, and GLOCK SPP liaison and SSSF Board member Ed Fitzgerald. “Jack Parker, Nick Mason, and the entire coaching staff of Hoosier Daddy’s have made this inaugural Indiana State Championship a great success,” said Mowry. “We look forward to continued success here in the Hoosier State!”
Over the past several weeks, we've been working hard to upgrade our communications with you, and we hope you've noticed we've been in touch with you more often and in new ways. We have published our first online magazine, Inside SSSF, and we've revamped our website to allow us to put all the news you need to know front and center. And now it's Range Time! We're launching a new weekly newsletter, Range Time, both to keep you informed on the SSSF news that's important to you and your team and to help you become a better shooter. Here are a few features you will see regularly in our newest publication:
News about upcoming tournaments and events, shoot results, what's happening with the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, endowment opportunities, and much more;
Quizzes that allow you to test your knowledge about the shooting sports while having the opportunity to win a prize;
Shooting tips from instructors, coaches, and pros that will help you become a better shooter;
Videos that not only tell you how to improve your shooting performance, but demonstrate it
Profiles of shooters, coaches, and teams -- like you!
and many other features to keep you informed and entertained.
We'll also make it easy for you to respond and get in touch with us through every issue. One thing we'll want to you to tell us is: what would you like to see in your newsletter? Watch for Range Time every Thursday. If you miss an issue, you can always find it on our Range Time Archives page. By the way, anyone is welcome to subscribe, so if you're a parent, team volunteer, student athlete, or just interested in SCTP and SPP, feel free to sign up.
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to providing shooting-sports education and opportunities to school-age youths around the United States to encourage young athlete personal growth and development. Tax-ID number 20-8484121.