SCTP Welcomes Legacy Sports International and Pointer Shotguns as a Gold Sponsor for 2019

The Scholastic Clay Target Program is pleased to announce that Legacy Sports International and Pointer Shotguns will be Gold sponsors for the 2019 SCTP season.
Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director stated, “Andy and his team have been great to deal with and we couldn’t be happier bringing Legacy Sports International and Pointer Shotguns on board with SCTP this year! In addition to the standard sponsorship parameters, Legacy Sports International has put together a Pointer Shotgun purchase program for SCTP teams looking for firearms to raffle or for team guns.”
For more information on the firearm purchasing program designed for SCTP teams, go to our website at:
“Legacy Sports International and POINTER Shotguns are proud to be on board as a Gold Sponsor and supporter of the SSSF and the SCTP initiatives across the USA. We truly value working with such a great organization that continues to instill their valuable stewardship in firearms safety, morals and standards in conjunction with the youth shooting sports. It has been very exciting to see the continued growth of these efforts within the SCTP. “Andy McCormick – Executive Vice President / Sales & Marketing LSI
For more information on Legacy Sports International and Pointer Shotguns visit their website at
If you are looking to sponsor or get involved with the SCTP, contact Tom Wondrash at
Don’t forget, SCTP National Championships run July 13-20, 2019, we hope to see you all there!