SCTP In-Person and Virtual National Championship Updates and Information

With the SCTP In-Person and Virtual National Championships fast approaching, registration deadlines are coming up quick (Virtual Registration Deadline of July 5 and In-Person Registration of July 7)!
The In-Person event currently has over 5,200 registrations from 28 states but don’t worry, there is still plenty of room for all!
While we have been working tirelessly to give you all the best possible experience we can give you, we will still be following Ohio state guidelines, Morrow County Health Department recommendations and the Cardinal Centers Safety Plan. While some after-hours events like the Banquet and other large gatherings may be pre-empted, we will do everything in our power not to diminish the quality of the National In-Person event! Keeping our teams, families, coaches and staff safe is our #1 priority!!
Whether you are participating in the In-Person National Championships or the National Virtuals, we wish you all the best of luck and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Here are some commonly asked questions and information:
1.) ATHLETES – All athletes registered by the deadlines posted for each event, will be entered into a drawing for prize packages donated by our program sponsors and supporters! These 50-60 packages will include firearms, Ammunition, Shooting accessories, gift certificates and other items ranging in value from $100 - $1,500! Every registered/paid athlete will be assigned a number and we will do a random drawing on or before July 13th. The packages and winners will be posted on the doors of the CEB as well as sent out in text message update to all!
2.) VENDORS – We have been informed that almost every vendor will be present at the In-Person National Championships! Actually, we will see several new vendors and sponsors this year as well! PLEASE stop by and say Thank you as well as patronize these fine folks when/if possible. They are a very significant part of what we do and without their support, the SCTP would not be the program it is today. Remember, SCTP is the only Industry started/sponsored program in the country!
3.) DEMO GUNS – Industry firearm dealers and reps love to have you try their guns. With precautions taken this year of special cleaning and wiping down, they will be offering the same opportunity. Please understand that it may take a few extra minutes to sanitize these firearms but you will be able to maintain that experience! Only firearm sponsors and supporters of the SCTP will be allowed to have their guns tried on banks 5 and practice fields in front of the grandstands. You will be required to present a coupon (supplied by the sponsors) to a person at the demo fields. Nonparticipating firearm dealers will not be allowed to have their firearms tried out on these fields. You will be required to purchase a practice round from the Cardinal Center for those trials.
4.) COLLEGE DAY – While social distancing are the words of the day, the College day participants will be located between Vendor buildings 2 – 3. Please stop by and visit College coaches and athletes on Friday, July 17th from 9am – 5pm! If you are a college and want to be part of the College day experience, please contact SCTP National Director Tom Wondrash.
5.) “ALL STATE TEAMS” – Due to the lockdown and restrictions imposed by most states, and only 7-8 states actually hosting a state championship before nationals, we were forced to change the policy for All State Team members this year. All State members will be chosen from their scores shot at the National In-Person Championships in Marengo, Ohio. Each states top 5 scores in Singles Trap, American Skeet and Sporting Clays will make up that states “All State Team” members! Every member will receive an “All State Team” shirt and states placing in the top 3 spots will win custom belt buckles provided by Tilden Trophies!
6.) GAMES – There will be several games available for athletes, parents and coaches to participate in. The Flurry shoot is a great way to blow off some steam and make ink clouds out of those mean clay targets!! Cost is only $5 per person and this is located by the Central Events Building. Make a Break will be available as well and is located next to the Sporting Clays building. This event will see prizes of free ammo to the top male and top female shooters each day as well as a shoot off of those top finishers to be held on Saturday, July 18. Special prizes and a gun will be awarded to the top shooter of that event!
7.) PHOTOGRAPHY – Once again, there will be a professional photographer on site at this years In-Person National Championships. Please contact Hayley Wilson Photography at 262-939-6414. Appointment info, look at pictures and more information is available here:
8.) INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION – International Ammunition will be available from Sportsmans Den as well as through the SCTP in the Central Events Building. Winchester AA’s and some limited amounts of Nobel Sport International ammo will be on hand.
9.) FOOD VENDORS – Food vendors will once again be available at the food court located next to the CEB. Seating / picnic tables will be provided adjacent to the food court.
10.) SCTP SCHOLARSHIPS – SCTP Scholarship winners will be determined and announced sometime between August 15th and September 15th. We are still collecting funds for this and will have a better idea on the amount available by then. We want to consider and award as many of these as possible! We thank you for your patience.
11.) KIDS AND CLAYS CHARITY SHOOT– The 100-target registered event will be held Friday, July 17 and Saturday, July 18 The event is open to parents and coaches of athletes attending the SCTP, the athletes themselves, as well as the general public. All registrants for the event will be entered in a drawing for a large prize package of firearms, outdoor and shooting gear worth more than $10,000!
Registration can be found at:
13.) MISC INFO – Coaches will receive a coupon for each paid and registered athlete attending the in-person nationals that can be redeemed for an SCTP pin. Please stop by the following vendors; Lakewood Gun Cases (Vendor site #15), Hutch Leatherworks (Vendor site #14), Hunters Blend Coffee (Vendor site #16), and Welch Outdoors (Vendor site #18)
Please remember, only 1 coach or representative from each team allowed in the registration building. All team shirt pickups will be at the CEB and should be done by the head coach. Coaches will receive a flyer outlining information normally covered at the coach meetings, due to the large group gathering ban, there will be no coach meetings held this year. All Coaches MUST register at the CEB PRIOR to competing in any event!!!
The SCTP National folks have been working very hard and have had a minimal amount of time this year to prepare for the In-person event, please respect and appreciate everything that went into this along with the opportunity to participate. We are very happy to present to you, an In-person event and look forward to seeing you all in Ohio!
If you have any other questions, please reach out to anyone of us!