While winter storms swept across the northern tier of the country, it was relatively warm and sunny in Phoenix, Arizona the weekend of February 9-10, 2019. Perfect weather to conduct an international trap development camp for twelve shotgun athletes intent on learning a new game and/or honing some basic skills.Front row, left to right: Wyatt Pizinger, Samantha Witty, Loretta Christian, Victoria Hendrix, Coach Terri DeWitt. Back row, left to right: Matt Killeen, Jack Gallagher, Jayden Wiemer, Axel Kinder, Nathanial Pizinger, Coach Brian Witty, Isaac Smith, Nick Sallee. Not shown: Tomi Ownby. These twelve athletes proudly represented their local SCTP teams and schools during two days of live fire and classroom training: Jack Gallagher, Victoria Hendrix, Axel Kinder, Tomi Ownby - Ben Avery Clay Crushers; Nathanial Pizinger, Wyatt Pizinger, Nick Sallee, Isaac Smith, Samantha Witty - Prescott Bird Busters; Loretta Christian, Jayden Wiemer - Arizona Outdoor Sports; and Matt Killeen - Arizona State University. Topics covered in the classroom included mental and physical skills while also touching on basic goal setting, attentional focus, and tactical breathing. Technical skills, such as stance, mount, and look point were discussed and applied on the range over the course of two days and 2500 targets. “These athletes learned a lot in two days, but I think they had fun doing it. It was a pleasure working with them,” said Coach Terri DeWitt. “They are very talented and tenacious athletes and I have no doubt that we’ll be seeing some of them again either at the SCTP International Championships or at the USA Shooting Junior Olympic Championships this summer. I look forward to seeing them again,” she smiled. SCTP would like to thank the Ben Avery Shooting Facility and Coach Brian Witty for their help in making this camp happen.
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to providing shooting-sports education and opportunities to school-age youths around the United States to encourage young athlete personal growth and development. Tax-ID number 20-8484121.