Ruger auctions GP100 Revolver in support of SASP

Ruger Firearms has generously donated a Ruger® GP100 to benefit the Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP). The revolver is being auctioned on now through March 25th at 12:30 pm.
Up for auction is a stainless Ruger® GP100® 357 Magnum caliber, double-action revolver. The serial number is 174-67970, and the test fire date is May 21, 2002. This revolver has never been sold. The GP100® Revolver was introduced in 1986 and “Designed as the ultimate .357 Magnum for police and personal defense use.” This particular model, KGPF-340, was introduced as “New for ‘89” in the 1989 Ruger Firearms Catalog. The revolver features a 4” barrel with a short ejector rod shroud; fixed sights; a round butt cushioned grip with walnut inserts; satin-polished stainless finish; and 6-shot cylinder. The revolver will be shipped in its original gray plastic box along with an original instruction manual and cable lock. The GP100 is being sold “as is,” and the purchaser assumes all liability for its safe and proper ownership, storage, use, and resale. The revolver is a part of the Ruger factory collection in Southport, Connecticut, and a certificate of Authenticity will be mailed to the winner of the auction. Note: The winner of this auction will be responsible for paying the Federal Excise Tax of $34.09.
View this GP100 Revolver on GunBroker and place your winning bid!
Ruger has committed to supporting the Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) through a series of auctions running through mid-April, with a new auction beginning each Wednesday at 12:30 pm EST. ALL proceeds go towards SASP and upcoming auctions will include many rare “one-of-a-kind” sample firearms!