Preparations Continue For The SCTP International Style National Championships

A literal ground-breaking announcement out of Ohio comes in the form of an initiative between the SSSF/SCTP and the Cardinal Center to further the support of International Shotgun Shooting Sports in the SCTP. Along with outstanding support from Promatic and an incredible donation from the Potterfield family for range development, work on four new Bunker fields at the Cardinal Center has been underway to accommodate this year's SCTP International-Style National Championship. Equipped with state of the art Promatic systems, these fields will allow us to support International shotgun sport opportunities for SCTP athletes like never before! |
On the front end of the National Championships schedule, we will be holding the “International Style” National Championships July 9-12. Open training will take place July 7-8 with International Skeet Championships taking place July 9-10 and Bunker Trap Championships taking place July 11-12. Registration for the International Style National Championships is currently open and closes July 6th. On or about the 22nd of June, our project partners, Promatic will be installing their advanced target throwing equipment to make these fields ready for the International Style National Championships. Without the incredible support of the Cardinal Center, Larry and Brenda Potterfield, and Promatic, this would not be possible! “Promatic is very excited to see the SCTP support International shooting and its athletes in this manner! They are definitely making a difference and filling a pipeline of athletes for tomorrow’s Olympians,” commented Jim Moses, CEO for Promatic. “The SCTP is proof that through hard work and dedication to youth shooting, they can make a difference and offer real opportunities for our young athletes. We couldn’t be prouder to be involved!” “We are very proud to see this dream come true for the SCTP and its athletes, teams and families," said Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director. “Promatic, The Potterfield family and the Cardinal Center staff and family are all directly involved with this exciting opportunity. |