Apply for Scholarship from Positive Coaching Alliance

Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) invites high school athletes to apply for scholarships that are awarded to those who meet the high standards of a Triple-Impact Competitor. PCA awards scholarships of $1,000-$2,000 (depending on location) to high school athletes, based on their essays explaining how they meet the standard defined in Elevating Your Game: Becoming a Triple-Impact Competitor by PCA Founder Jim Thompson:
    Personal Mastery: Making oneself better Leadership: Making one's teammates better Honoring the Game: Making the game better
Eligibility extends to any high school junior residing anywhere in the U.S. and playing for a high school team or in club sports. Learn more about the scholarship program and how to apply.
Hank Garvey

SCTP Shooter Hank Garvey Chosen as Brownells/NRA Youth Shooting Sport Ambassador

National Youth Shooting Sports Ambassador logoSCTP shooter and USA Shooting National Junior Team member Hank Garvey of Newburyport, Massachusetts has been chosen as one of six representatives for the 2015 Brownells/National Rifle Association (NRA) Youth Shooting Sport Ambassador Program. The program gives NRA’s Co-op Youth group partners -- including Boy Scouts of America, National High School Rodeo Association, Royal Rangers, Venturing (BSA), and USA Shooting -- the opportunity to select the outstanding youth from their organization to represent them. Garvey’s interest as an avid sportsman and as a rising prospect for the USA Shooting Team helped the 16-year-old Garvey stand out among the many junior athletes that applied, according to USA Shooting’s Youth Programs and Coach Academy Director, Mike Theimer. “Our interests are well-represented by the influence this young man can have as a NRA Youth Ambassador,” Theimer said. “He’s well-rounded and as focused an individual as you can find at that age. He has a bright future in our sport, and I’ll be interested to see how he uses his experiences in shooting to help engage others to get involved and participate.” Hank Garvey A sophomore at St. Johns Prep, Garvey’s stock rose significantly throughout the 2014 shooting season, and he is now considered one of the elite double trap shotgun competitors within USA Shooting. He’s hoping to make continued headway in a discipline filled with talent, including current World Champion Josh Richmond, Olympic gold medalist Glenn Eller, and Olympian Jeff Holguin. Competing in his first shotgun match when he was eight, Garvey has been on the fast-track ever since. His success in part has been formed through the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP), culminating with his first national title last summer, which led to his appointment to USA Shooting’s National Junior Team. A strong junior competitor, Garvey distinguished himself in 2014 with several “open” accomplishments including a top-eight finish at the Championship of the Americas in Guadalajara, Mexico, a top-five finish at Nationals, and a top-four finish at the recent Fall Selection Match. His performance in Guadalajara also helped earn him the Minimum Qualifying Score (MQS) athletes need to be eligible to compete at the Olympic Games. A self-described true sportsman, Garvey enjoys all sorts of hunting including ducks, big game, turkey, bird, and small game. Living near the ocean, he’s developed a fondness for fishing and enjoys boating, catching eels, clams, and lobsters. He also spends his off-time carving decoys, tying flies, and trick shooting, while also volunteering for the local Ducks Unlimited Chapter and banding ducks at the local National Wildlife Refuge. “I feel honored to be selected as a youth role model for my sport and the shooting community,” Garvey said. “I understand this position comes with both tremendous responsibility and opportunity. I look forward to sharing the sport with others while helping to create a greater understanding and awareness for all of the shooting sports. I will uphold the high standard for which our sport should be measured.” Next week during the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s annual SHOT Show, Garvey will attend along with the other ambassadors and will be introduced to industry leaders, interact with sponsors, and engage with the key industry stakeholders. He’ll also attend the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meetings in April in a similar capacity.

Fundraising for Your Team: Sponsorships

This is part of a series of posts on fundraising for SCTP and SPP teams. DollarA sponsor can be your team’s best friend, providing anything from necessary funds to uniforms to shooting equipment to raffle items. You also gain the caché and confidence that comes with being associated with that sponsor. But there's more to having an effective sponsorship program than most people realize. If there's one fact that should guide you in sponsor solicitation, it is this: Potential sponsors are solicited by athletic teams, yearbook staffs, cheerleader squads, charities, and every organization in town that depends upon the support of the community. How you set yourselves apart from the rest of the crowd will determine your success. Here are some tips to consider:
  • While businesses that sell shooting supplies are a perfect fit, don’t limit yourself to those. A local business whose owner supports the shooting sports and/or youth activities might be an ideal candidate. The person who owns an auto parts store or hair salon might be an avid shooter or 2nd Amendment supporter who would be proud to be associated with a youth shooting team.

  • Before calling on a potential sponsor, plan your presentation and strategy. Develop a simple but thorough written proposal that includes information about your team, SCTP or SPP, what you're asking for, and what's in it for them, then discuss those points with the prospect. After you leave, they should have everything they need to consider your proposal and/or explain it to others in the company. Need help telling the SCTP/SPP story? Use our videos.

  • Parents and coaches: while it is great for you to be involved and even take the lead in sponsor proposals, remember to keep the student athletes involved. If you're making a presentation, take along at least one member of the team to participate.

  • Know your audience and be selective. Never walk down Main Street with your proposal in hand and make cold calls at every door. Select those businesses you think might be a good fit and address your proposal to them. Call in advance to learn who the decision-maker is or what the proper channels are for making a sponsorship proposal. While you may be inclined to insist on speaking with the president or owner, the business' protocol may require you to start with a marketing person. You won't win any points by bypassing protocol. NEVER make a "to whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir" proposal.

  • Be creative in what you ask for. You're more likely to get a sponsor when your proposal includes something other than or in addition to writing a check. Consider what your needs are and how that sponsor might help. Could they provide necessary products like ammunition or shirts and hats for tournaments? Could they offer a discount to team members on shooting products? Help with a fundraising raffle by selling tickets or posting flyers at their business? What you ask for will probably vary depending on the type of business, its size, its interest and involvement in the shooting sports, and the interest of management in shooting.

  • Consider different levels of sponsorship with different levels of benefits and cost. Not every business has the same resources available, and a small sponsorship is a good way to develop a relationship that could grow into something larger.

  • Be prepared for rejection. You may hear "no" more often than "yes," but you should leave with the same degree of grace regardless of the answer. If what seems to be an ideal sponsor rejects your proposal, don't take it personally. Even if they want to sponsor your team, they may need to say "no" because of financial constraints, prior commitments, lack of authority, or other reasons. Thank them for their time and consideration.
Finally, remember that sponsorships are a two-way street. This is a marketing investment for the sponsoring business, and they have every right to expect something in return. Here are some ways you can ensure that the investment in your team is a sound one, plus endear your sponsors to you:
  • A simple "thanks." You would be surprised how far saying "thank you" will go and how many organizations take their sponsors for granted, never bothering to use those two words. Use them often -- both publicly and privately!

  • Keep them informed. Tell them about the tournaments your team will be participating in, how your team is doing, and how you are using their contribution.

  • Include the sponsor's name, logo, and/or ad on your website, in social media pages, on your uniforms or t-shirt, in any printed programs or materials, and anywhere else there is an opportunity.

  • Recognize them whenever possible at any annual banquet, shoot, or other team event.

  • Provide free tickets, based on the level of support, to any banquet or event your team hosts.

  • Get them involved. If it's a local company -- and most will be -- invite them to a shooting event or practice. Don't you think they would enjoy shooting the SPP stages or shooting a round of trap with you at practice? The more emotionally invested they are with your team, the more financially invested they are likely to be.

Fundraising Activities for Your SCTP or SASP Team

Shooting isn’t a cheap hobby, and when you add competition fees, travel, uniforms, and other expenses for an entire team, we understand that funding is a challenge. SCTP and SASP teams are very fortunate to have generous benefactors in the MidwayUSA Foundation and Larry and Brenda Potterfield, but teams must also consider ways in which they can produce their own funding and increase their self-sufficiency. Teams generally need funding of two types: operational expenses for the current year’s expenses, and funds that can be deposited into their MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment accounts. Those accounts are designed to ensure your team’s longevity and fund its needs in perpetuity; some deposits are matched, and your team can apply for an annual grant of up to 5% of the account’s balance each year to pay for team expenses. To encourage you to embark on more fundraising activities of your own, SSSF will be offering you some suggestions over the coming weeks and sharing the fundraising successes of some of your fellow teams. We will be publishing those in our Range Time e-newsletter. But in the meantime, here are some ideas to get you started: Participate in SSSF promotions - In conjunction with our generous sponsors, SSSF offers fundraising promotions, such as gun raffles, and product discounts for SCTP and SASP teams throughout the year. Watch the SCTP Deals and Promotions and SASP Deals and Promotions pages throughout the year for current promotions. Participate in MidwayUSA Foundation promotions – The Foundation generously offers promotions throughout the year that provide opportunities to raise funds. The promotions generally provide one or more products to a team that can then be raffled, auctioned, sold, or otherwise used to raise funds. Some or all of the funds are returned to the endowment account and are matched. Learn more about MidwayUSA Foundation promotions. Fundraising banquets – With some work, these events can be very productive fundraisers. You can raise money at banquets through ticket sales, auctions, donations, raffles, event sponsorships, and other means. Many organizations, including the SCTP, hold profitable banquets around the country. Remember that fundraising banquets tend to become more productive in subsequent years than in the first and often become highly-anticipated social events. They can also be great tools for raising the profile of your team within your community. Sponsorships – A sponsor can be your team’s best friend, providing anything from funds to uniforms to equipment to raffle items. While businesses that sell shooting supplies are a perfect fit, don’t limit yourself to those. A local business whose owner supports the shooting sports and/or youth activities might be pleased to be associated with your team. Don’t forget that sponsorships are a two-way street; recognize your sponsor’s support at every opportunity, such as on your shooting uniforms, website, and social media. Affiliate with a shooting club – Sometimes saving money is as good as making money. Having a range where you can shoot at a discount (or free!) can be a valuable asset, especially if it frees up funds that can be used in other ways or deposited into your endowment account. If your club can’t afford to help much in that way, maybe they would consider trading use of their facilities for some work there by your team. Most clubs need trappers and personnel to re-stock clay targets, clean shooting stations, cut grass, and otherwise maintain the facilities. Solicit donations – Asking for donations doesn’t have to mean standing on the corner with a cardboard sign. Many people who support the shooting sports designate a portion of their charitable donations for shooting-related organizations, and they would be receptive to helping your team if they knew how. Include a “donate” function on your website and in all printed materials, direct people to it at every opportunity, and talk to shooters and hunters you think would be good candidates to donate. If you deposit these donations to your team endowment account in 2015, they are matched 1:1. Host a shooting event – Some teams host an annual sporting clays shoot or other shooting event as a major fundraiser. Like a fundraising banquet, it offers many opportunities to raise money, such as entry fees, auctions, sponsorships, and donations. It takes the cooperation of a local club, and it can also be an excellent marketing tool for that facility. Be prepared to work hard, but it has the potential to be the most profitable and enjoyable fundraising activity of the year. Apply for grants – In addition to the grants offered to SSSF teams by the MidwayUSA Foundation, other organizations and foundations also offer grants for the purpose of supporting the shooting sports, developing new programs, or expanding existing ones. Likewise, there are grant programs that support youth programs. Get online and research, research, research. Don’t overlook organizations and foundations in your local area or state that might offer grants that apply to your team and its needs. These are just a few of the many ways your team might raise funds for operating needs and for your MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment account. Use your imagination! Research other teams’ and other charities’ fundraising techniques that inspire you, and find the ones that best match your team’s circumstances and capabilities.  

MidwayUSA Foundation Will Offer 1:1 Potterfield Matching Funds in 2015

The MidwayUSA Foundation will continue to help communities and organizations raise funds to support youth shooting teams by offering another matching program in 2015. Beginning January 1, 2015, Larry and Brenda Potterfield will match all private donations 1:1. They will also match funds returned to the Team Endowment Accounts that teams generate from MidwayUSA Foundation promotions 1:1. In 2014, Larry and Brenda Potterfield donated over $4.6 million in matching funds. “The generosity of Larry and Brenda helps us accomplish our mission and we hope by matching money that comes in, teams will continue to take initiative to grow their accounts,” said Dick Leeper, Executive Director of the MidwayUSA Foundation. “We want to encourage all teams to get their community involved. Local businesses, gun clubs and supporters of our teams will double their donation with our matching program.” The matching program will end November 30, 2015. Through its Team Endowment Account Program, the MidwayUSA Foundation works to help communities and organizations raise funds to support their youth shooting teams. Currently, 2,800 shooting teams have an active Team Endowment Account with the MidwayUSA Foundation. Once per year, they can then apply to draw up to 5% of their account balance to use for team expenses, such as ammunition, range fees, targets, uniforms, travel, and more. To register for a promotion or learn more about the 2015 team incentives from the MidwayUSA Foundation, visit or call 1-877-375-4570.

2015 National NRA Youth Education Summit Application Process Opens; $30,000 in College Scholarships Available

The National Rifle Association invites high school sophomores and juniors across the U.S. to apply for the 2015 National NRA Youth Education Summit, an expenses-paid, week-long educational experience in Washington, D.C. from July 27 – August 2, 2015. Attendees will compete for $30,000 in college scholarships through participation in the program’s events. Applications must be received by February 1, 2015. The NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) encourages young adults to become active and knowledgeable citizens by learning about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the federal government, and the importance of being active in civic affairs. Activities on the agenda include meeting with members of Congress, hearing from guest speakers at NRA Headquarters, participating in competitive debates, touring historic sites and monuments in the DC Metro area, and more. Attendees will have the chance to compete for $15,000 in college scholarships based on their performances in debates and seminars held during the week-long summit. Students may compete for an additional $15,000 in scholarships after the summit through sharing their experience with their communities. More than $400,000 in scholarships have been awarded since Y.E.S.’s creation in 1996, thanks to grants provided by The NRA Foundation. Entry into the summit requires submission of a completed application form, a high school transcript, a three-page essay on the Second Amendment, a one-page personal statement, and three letters of recommendation. Those interested must have their application postmarked no later than February 1, 2015. For additional information on the 2015 National NRA Youth Education Summit and how to apply, please visit, or call 1-800-672-3888, ext. 1342.

Amateur Trapshooting Association and Scholastic Clay Target Program Announce Partnership

SCTP National Director, Tom Wondrash, and Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) Executive Director, Lynn Gipson, have announced that the executive committees of both organizations have approved a plan to unify the youth shooting sports efforts of both entities, beginning immediately. ATA membership will be required of all SCTP State and National Championship Singles participants beginning in 2015. These State Championship tournaments, along with the SCTP National Singles Trapshooting Championship, will be registered with the ATA. SCTP members will be encouraged to join the ATA through the SCTP via its online registration system, SHOT v5. “This isn’t a new concept,” stated Tom Wondrash. “Event registration and membership with national governing bodies has been required for many years for the SCTP’s skeet (NSSA) and sporting clays (NSCA) national events, as well as USA Shooting’s (USAS) international events. This will be both beneficial and crucial to the growth of the SCTP and youth shooting sports. We look forward to working with the ATA.” Another feature of the partnership will be funding to the SCTP by the ATA for scholarships and program operating costs. “Not only is this a landmark partnership for the promotion of youth shotgun target sports, it’s also a unique win-win-win situation,” reported Lynn Gipson. “Both organizations benefit from membership and funding, and the student athletes benefit from having their championship scores become a national governing body permanent record for use by coaches and others in the future. We look forward to a long relationship, beneficial to everyone involved.” For more information on the ATA, visit

TWRF Is New Tennessee State Advisor for SPP

The Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) announces that the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation (TWRF) has been named State Advisor for its state, filling the role of managing the Scholastic Pistol Program there. State advisors play a critical role in SPP shooting activities within their respective states, promoting the principles of the SPP and acting in the program’s best interests. They are also the program’s "resource central" for their states. Advisors respond to inquiries about SPP, assist in program activities, encourage participation and the formation of new teams, and provide important program information to team coaches, shooting facilities, and other organizations hosting SPP teams. TWRF Executive Director, Julie Schuster, conveyed her excitement about the foundation managing the program. "This is a great opportunity to introduce the youth of Tennessee to another shooting sport that teaches numerous disciplines that positively affect our society. Plus, it’s really fun! We’re looking forward to growing the program in Tennessee." As the unique, nonprofit arm of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA), the foundation’s shared mission with the agency is to involve and educate the state's youth in the outdoors and shooting sports. TWRA has expressed its support of TWRF’s role in SPP. Lacey Lane of McKenzie will be the Tennessee SPP Director working for the TWRF. Lacey will graduate in May with a bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Management - Wildlife/ Fisheries from UT Martin. She has grown up in the Scholastic Clay Target Program since she was 15, shooting on the well-known McKenzie Girl’s SCTP team. She is very familiar with the SPP Program and will work with participants across the state recruiting, assisting with hosted events, and promoting the program. “I’m thrilled to be working for the foundation and introducing students to a sport I have been passionate about for many years," commented Lane. "The shooting sports has opened many doors for me, and I want to pass that on to others.” Executive Director Schuster recalls her youth, “I loved the outdoors as a child but didn’t have the chance to pursue hunting and/or shooting competitively. It just wasn’t an option back then. The outdoor opportunities available to young people today are exciting. It’s up to us to make sure these opportunities continue and are available to all of Tennessee’s young adults." For more information on the Tennessee Scholastic Pistol Program or how to get a team started, contact Lacey Lane at or 731-415-0641.
Dave Miller

CZ-USA’s Dave Miller Attempting Guinness Record

Exhibition shooter Dave Miller of CZ-USA has his sights on setting a Guinness World Record and promoting youth shooting education on May 16, as he attempts to shoot the most clay targets ever shot in one hour.
Dave Miller
Dave Miller performing his shotgunning exhibition at the 2014 SSSF National Championships
Miller represented CZ-USA at SSSF's 2014 National Championships in Sparta, Illinois last July, putting on shotgunning exhibitions in which he shot various targets from unusual positions and at high speed. That speed will be essential in his world-record attempt, as he will need to shoot almost one target per second to reach his goal. According to the Democrat Missourian newspaper, Miller will need to break 3001 clay targets in an hour to set the Guinness record, although his goal is 3500. Since there was previously no category for this feat, Guinness arrived at the number of 3001 to declare a record after consulting with the clay target governing associations. The record attempt on May 16 will be a fundraiser for Pheasants Forever to promote youth shooting education through the No Child Left Indoors program. A team of volunteers will help Miller in his attempt by loading guns and having them standing by for his use. Good luck, Dave Miller! We'll be watching! You can read more about Dave Miller's Guinness World Record attempt at the Democrat Missourian.

Video: SPP Southeast Regionals by the Alabama Privateers

The Alabama Privateers SPP team have blown us away yet again with another of their videos, this one from the SPP Southeast Regional Match held recently in Tennessee. In the video, you'll see all the action at this beautiful new range that was designed to SPP specifications and launched with the Southeast Regionals. Enjoy!

© Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to providing shooting-sports education and opportunities to school-age youths around the United States to encourage young athlete personal growth and development.
Tax-ID number 20-8484121.