Scholastic Clay Target Program and Scholastic Action Shooting Program athletes, friends and families are invited to take part in the next made for TV shooting sports program. American Marksman, a new nationwide target shooting competition for amateurs being produced by the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel television networks. This is a low barrier to entry event where amateur shooters in four different divisions (Junior (12-16), Men (17+), Women (17+), and Military/Law Enforcement) can compete in their own division, and have a great time competing against others like themselves! The local qualifying level is the first step in a three-tiered national tour where amateur shooters will attempt to advance to one of nine regional championships and, ultimately, a national championship where the winner will take home $50,000! Along the way, cameras will be rolling to capture footage to produce a television show about the competition and competitors as they attempt to advance. The local qualifying level is made up of a fun course of fire consisting of .22 caliber rim fire guns and ammo. Over 200 ranges across the country participating as Official Local Qualifying Ranges. Shooters can find a nearby range . The local qualifying level runs from March 1st to May 31st. It’s only $20 to sign up for .22 rifle or pistol, or $35 for both rifle and pistol. American Marksman has provided the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation with a special code that anyone can use when entering their local qualifying event. Simply use the code SSSF on the second page of the registration screen when registering at and the SSSF will receive a portion of each registration to use to support its programs. As many as 250 individuals in each region in each division will be invited to a regional championship which will take place in the summer. All firearms and ammunition will be provided at the regional and national championship.
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to providing shooting-sports education and opportunities to school-age youths around the United States to encourage young athlete personal growth and development. Tax-ID number 20-8484121.