SCTP and SASP Nationals in the News

- The SCTP Nationals was recently featured on (10:23 mark). Dr. Grant Woods attended the Nationals with his two daughters who competed in the event. Results coverage is featured here (13:27 mark).
- The Brandenton Herald recently featured a piece on the FishHawk Dynasty’s participation and title win during the 2016 Nationals.
- The Jefferson Daily Union boasted of the Jefferson Sportsmen’s Club Youth Trap Team’s 19th place finish and numerous awards at the Nationals.
- On Go545com, the Lake County Action Shooters offer a sincere “thank you” to Justin “Buffy” Brannan, the Carroll County Shooting Sports coach, who stepped up and offered to lend the team a competition trigger group when one of the team’s rifles experienced a significant trigger problem.
- The Commercial Appeal and NSSF Bullet Points newsletter posted a piece about the Tennessee Scholastic Clay Target Program's shooters winning 100 individual and team awards and 23 national championships.
- The Johnson City Press and both featured Unaka Shooters and siblings, Jacob and Sarah McInturff, from Johnson City, Tenn., who both took top honors, earning national championship wins in skeet shooting in their respective divisions.