Request for Proposals: Shooting Coach Education Curriculum Development
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. (SSSF) is receiving multi-state grant funding from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to address National Conservation Need #8 Outdoor Heritage — Participation, recruitment, retention and reactivation in hunting, fishing, boating, and conservation-related recreational activities; enhanced relations among state fish and wildlife agencies and related industries. This project will address NCN 8 by providing new methods and tools that state agencies can use to recruit and retain youth shooting sports coaches to help grow and sustain participation in the shooting sports, thus driving revenue through excise taxes and creating a new audience for hunter recruitment. This project will also create industry/agency partnerships as state fish and wildlife agencies implement these tools with the help of the SSSF and other partners. This project will result in a modernized, and scalable introductory shooting coach education program in shotgun, rifle and pistol for use by all 50 state agencies. Agencies can use the course to enhance their recruitment efforts by creating a large audience of shooting sports participants. Agencies may choose to customize additional content in addition to the core curriculum specific to state shooting sports programming needs. This project will focus on volunteer coach education in shotgun, rifle and handgun shooting applicable, but not limited to the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP). The project includes development of learning tools and coursework using both online and range training. Much like popular hunter education courses, the project consists of online training for volunteers to complete at their convenience followed by a local range session where coaches can network amongst area teams. This approach will result in coach education available to volunteers at a lower cost, higher quality and better convenience than conventional training. The SSSF would like to invite requests for proposals (RFP) to assist in developing curricula for this project. More than one proposal may be selected, as necessary to satisfy the requirement of the various shooting disciplines. Responses must be received by March 1, 2019 by 5:00PM CST. Download complete information here...