New Scholarships to be Awarded at the 2019 SCTP National Championships

The Scholastic Clay Target Program is pleased to announce the addition of two new SCTP College Scholarship Awards at the SCTP National Championships, July 13-20, 2019 at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, Ohio.
Browning (a longtime supporter of SCTP) has for the last 3 years been the sponsor of the “Browning Scholarship”. This scholarship is awarded to the top athlete in Trap Singles (male or female) shooting a Browning Shotgun. In the past, this scholarship has been as much as $7,500!
For 2019, Blaser USA will be sponsoring the “Blaser Scholarship”! This scholarship will be awarded to the top athlete in Sporting Clays (male or female) shooting a Blaser Shotgun!!
In addition, also for 2019 SCTP National Championships, Beretta USA will be sponsoring the “Beretta Scholarship”! This scholarship will be awarded to the top athlete in Skeet (male or female) shooting a Beretta Shotgun!
Athletes competing in these events at the SCTP National Championships just need to complete an online survey before their event starts.
Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director made the following statement. “We are thrilled that Browning, Blaser USA and Beretta USA wanted to provide scholarship opportunities for our SCTP high school aged athletes. Providing scholarships is a mainstay of the SCTP program and adding these additional opportunities will impact even more of our SCTP family’s. We cannot thank Browning, Blaser USA, and Beretta USA enough for their support of SCTP and these scholarship opportunities”.