Bone Marrow Registry Drive to be Held for SCTP Shooter Skyler Rogers

SCTP shooter Skyler Rogers needs your help. The youth shooter is in need of a bone marrow transplant, and he's looking for a match.
A bone marrow registry drive is being held Dec. 5, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center in Phoenix, Az.
Skyler is a State Champion and nationally ranked shotgun shooter with a heart of gold. He is always the first to pitch in and help a stranger, but this time it’s Skyler who needs help. At the age of 3, Skyler was diagnosed with a blood disorder called ITP. Skyler’s bone marrow is dying and he needs to find someone with his bone marrow match. Skyler is looking forward to getting into the hospital and getting the transplant started. He’s already making plans for when he’s better. No doubt Skyler will do great things once he's feeling better; that’s just his personality. Registration takes 5 to 10 minutes and consists of a consent form and a cheek swab. Donors must be 18 to 44 years of age. If you can’t make it to the drive, join online here: A cheek swab will be mailed to you. For more information about bone marrow donation, check out Contact info: Be The Match Representative: Aubrie Vargas – (602) 277-1390 Drive Coordinators: The Ben Avery Clay Crushers Uncle Mike Rogers